Profesor Infierno

Profesor Infierno
Manager- Hola niños y niñas. Bienvenidos to the Green Inferno, the blog of Profesor Juan Telpochcalli Jodido, el Profesor Infierno! Here is where you can preguntame questions, buy my merchandise (coming soon) and generally swear your allegiance to my cause.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Green Inferno Ignites!!!

Hola ninos y ninas. Let me welcome you to the Green Inferno, the blog of el Profesor Juan Telpochcalli Jodido, el Profesor Infierno! Here is where you can preguntame questions, buy my merchandise (coming soon) and generally swear your allegiance to my cause.

Well, it has been a fine fin de semana (weekend) for the luchadores in my stable. Pedro "Dirty" Sanchez was able to smear victory all over the lips of that savage from the smelly continent in what can only be described as a victory of hard working Mexicanos over the kept boys of the White Capitalist classes of that bastion of overconsumption and Empire, the United States of Amerikkka. The Millionaire was served his first taste of worker's justice! Lap it up Milz, for the Southern Fist is coming to punch you right in the browneye!

And again, Ripper Murdoch, the pirate from the high seas of the Caribbean was able to make a fool of that also smelly "wrassler" Baked Beans Brown or whatever the hell his name is. Another victory in the name of the working masses (especially the Central American masses that suffer just so you fat white people can have tasty bananas in your Rice Krispies, effin' fascists). Ripper did indeed rip, and Beans was spilled all over the dirt for the dogs to lap up.

On a less glorious note, the Neon Knights were unable to defeat the CoDependent Champions the Sweaty Tinkle Collective. But fear not loyal Infiernoites! This was merely a wake up call for those cosmic crusaders! Theirs will be the laugh that echos through the inkiest of night as my minions fill the sky with the sound of flapping wings, on their way to collect the souls of my enemies. So, until next time loyal fans. And as always- ya tu sabes.

-el Profesor

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